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          1. The function of natural gas generator air filter and usage of attention

            The function of the air filter in a natural gas generator is to filter out the dust entering the air in the cylinder to ensure that the engine has enough clean air to mix with the fuel to produce combustion. The engine needs 14 kg / air for every 1 kg / The dust dropped into the air will greatly increase the wear of the cylinder, the piston and the piston ring. According to the dry land test, especially the working environment of the harvester is even worse. If the air filter is not used, the wear rate of the above parts should be increased by 3-9 Times Therefore, Diesel engine work, without or using missing parts and damaged air filter is absolutely not allowed. The requirements of the air filter is: strong filtration capacity of air resistance, simple structure, use, easy maintenance.
                    Currently, natural gas generating units are commonly used in paper filter {dry}, inertia oil bath and composite filter three. Should pay attention to use:
                   1, the air filter cover the intake port, the other pipe joints must be sealed, there is no leak, otherwise, will make the air without filtration directly into the cylinder.
                   2, Weichai diesel engine parts regularly clean the filter to remove the dirt dust cover, carefully brush to clear the dust on the paper core, you can also use the pump out of the center hole of the filter to dust out to prevent the paper filter Damage, such as damage should be replaced.
                   3, for the inertia oil bath and composite filter, regular replacement of oil in the oil bath and diesel filter cleaning, adding new oil in the tank should be added to the provisions of the engraved line, add too much will be with the air belt Into the cylinder combustion, resulting in diesel speed.

            Jinan Diesel Engine Parts, Ji Chai Marine Machine Parts, Natural Gas Generator, Gas Generator, Jinan Guohua Green Power Equipment Co., Ltd., PetroChina Jinan Diesel Engine, Ji Chai Spark Plug
